15 climate change initiatives taken by the Romanian government

 The Romanian government implemented various initiatives after 2010 to address climate change. These included promoting renewable energy, improving energy efficiency, developing smart grids, enhancing forest management, encouraging electric mobility, implementing waste management and recycling policies, and adopting strategies for sustainable development, adaptation, and clean air, among other measures

Here are 15 climate change initiatives  taken by the Romanian government

  1. Renewable Energy Support Scheme: Romania introduced a support scheme in 2011 to promote the development of renewable energy, including wind, solar, hydro, and biomass. This included feed-in tariffs and green certificates to incentivize investment in renewable energy projects.
  2. National Strategy for Energy Efficiency: In 2012, Romania adopted a National Strategy for Energy Efficiency, setting targets and outlining measures to improve energy efficiency in various sectors, such as buildings, industry, and transportation.
  3. National Action Plan for Climate Change: Romania developed a National Action Plan for Climate Change in 2013, which outlined the country's strategy for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adapting to the impacts of climate change.
  4. Green Public Procurement: The Romanian government implemented measures to promote green public procurement, encouraging the purchase of environmentally friendly products and services by public institutions.
  5. Energy Performance of Buildings Directive: Romania transposed the European Union's Energy Performance of Buildings Directive into national law in 2013, which aimed to improve the energy efficiency of buildings.
  6. Smart Grid Development: Romania initiated the development of smart grids to modernize and improve the efficiency of the electricity grid, integrating renewable energy sources and enabling demand response mechanisms.
  7. Forest Management and Conservation: The Romanian government implemented measures to enhance forest management and conservation practices, aiming to protect and sustainably manage the country's forest resources.
  8. Low Carbon and Circular Economy Strategy: In 2016, Romania adopted a Low Carbon and Circular Economy Strategy, which aimed to reduce carbon emissions and promote sustainable resource management.
  9. Electric Mobility Promotion: The government introduced measures to promote electric mobility, including incentives for the purchase of electric vehicles and the development of charging infrastructure.
  10. Waste Management and Recycling: Romania implemented policies to improve waste management practices, increase recycling rates, and reduce landfilling.
  11. National Strategy for Sustainable Development: In 2018, Romania adopted a National Strategy for Sustainable Development, which integrated environmental, economic, and social aspects, including climate change mitigation and adaptation.
  12. Low-Emission Transport: The government invested in the expansion and modernization of public transportation networks, including the introduction of electric buses and the improvement of rail infrastructure.
  13. National Adaptation Strategy: Romania developed a National Adaptation Strategy to address the impacts of climate change, including measures to enhance resilience in sectors such as agriculture, water resources, and infrastructure.
  14. Clean Air Program: The Romanian government launched a Clean Air Program in 2020, aiming to improve air quality and reduce pollution, including measures to phase out the use of solid fuels for heating.
  15. Green Financing and Investment: Romania encouraged green financing and investment by providing incentives, such as tax benefits and financial support, for projects and initiatives that contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation.


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