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12 Initiatives by South Korea to Combat Climate Change and Promote Sustainability

South Korea is making significant strides towards combatting climate change and promoting sustainability. The country has implemented several initiatives to address the issue of climate change, and here are 12 of them that we think are worth mentioning: Green New Deal: South Korea's Green New Deal is a comprehensive plan that aims to reduce the country's carbon emissions by 24.4 million tons by 2025. Through this initiative, the country will invest in renewable energy, develop green transportation, and create green jobs. Carbon Pricing Scheme: South Korea's carbon pricing scheme requires companies that emit more than 125,000 tons of carbon dioxide per year to purchase carbon credits. This incentivizes companies to invest in clean energy and reduce their carbon footprint. Electric Vehicle Subsidies: South Korea offers subsidies to individuals who purchase electric vehicles, which is a policy that aims to reduce the country's dependence on fossil fuels and promote