
Showing posts from June, 2023

Balancing the Scales: The Story of Net-Zero and a Sustainable Future

Introduction:  Net-zero means balancing the amount of harmful gases we put into the air with the amount we take out. These gases, like carbon dioxide, are causing our planet to get warmer, which is causing problems like extreme weather and rising sea levels. When we talk about net-zero, it means we want to reduce the gases we release as much as we can. And for the gases we can't avoid, we want to find ways to remove or offset them, like by planting trees or using technology to capture the gases. By achieving net-zero, we can stop making the problem worse and start making things better for the environment and the future. Storytelling: Let's explain netzero via a story shall we Once upon a time, there was a town called Greendale. The people of Greendale loved their town and wanted to make sure it stayed healthy and beautiful for generations to come. However, they started noticing some changes in their environment. The summers were hotter, the winters were colder, and strange stor

15 climate change initiatives taken by the Romanian government

 The Romanian government implemented various initiatives after 2010 to address climate change. These included promoting renewable energy, improving energy efficiency, developing smart grids, enhancing forest management, encouraging electric mobility, implementing waste management and recycling policies, and adopting strategies for sustainable development, adaptation, and clean air, among other measures Here are 15 climate change initiatives  taken by the Romanian government Renewable Energy Support Scheme: Romania introduced a support scheme in 2011 to promote the development of renewable energy, including wind, solar, hydro, and biomass. This included feed-in tariffs and green certificates to incentivize investment in renewable energy projects. National Strategy for Energy Efficiency: In 2012, Romania adopted a National Strategy for Energy Efficiency, setting targets and outlining measures to improve energy efficiency in various sectors, such as buildings, industry, and transportation