
Showing posts from February, 2024

Tackling Climate Colonialism: A Call to Action for Global Justice

Introduction : Welcome to our guide on climate colonialism and the Global North's responsibility. In this blog, we'll explore the unfairness in how climate change affects different countries and how rich countries, known as the Global North, can help make things right. We'll break down complex ideas into simpler language and offer practical solutions for a fairer, more sustainable world. Understanding Climate Colonialism: Climate colonialism is like when one group of people takes advantage of another group. This happened a lot in history when powerful countries would take resources and control from weaker ones. Today, rich countries still do things that hurt poor countries and make climate change worse. They use a lot of resources and pollute a lot, and it's poor countries and people who suffer the most. The Global North's Responsibility: Rich countries have caused a lot of climate problems because they use a lot of energy and make a lot of pollution. They have more